Sunday, February 12, 2012

Easy Heart Garland


So, I was cruising Pinterest the other day and spotted this…


even though it’s in Japanese it was pretty self explanatory and since Audrey has been bugging me to sew something I figured this would a perfect first project.


Here she is at the machine


First we made the center of the heart seam


Then we flipped it and sewed another seam


Next, just cut about every inch to make the hearts…I just eyeballed it.

I went for a simple look and skipped the pom pom things. I used some sugar and spice yarn I picked up at wal-mart that looks like the trendy baker’s twine stuff.

I threaded through outside and the inside of the hearts using a darning needle and made the garland to fit the length of our mantle

. 009


Happy Valentine’s Day! Love to you!

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