Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Problem Solved

Owen started school this week...yay! He currently is passed out hopefully for the night at 7:00. Gotta love school for wearing the kiddos out :)

I work a pretty weird schedule so sometimes I can pick him up after school and sometimes he needs to ride the bus to the sitter's place. So, to help the little guy and his teacher know where he needs to after school I came up with a little tag system for his backpack.

I used my Cricut Expression
Scrap Book Paper
Some Random String
Clips or a Ring (I used the one from my daughter's recent happy meal toy)

I made one with a Car to let him know to ride home with me

one with a Bus

Now all I have to do is remember to make sure he has right one clipped to his backpack :)

1 comment:

  1. That is really cute! Do you have a special trick for remembering to put the right one on his backpack each day? It's the kind of thing I tend to forget!
