Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween Preparation


Today the kiddos and I carved our Pumpkins. Didn’t do anything special……just your basic Jack of Lanterns.


Picnik collage


Picnik collage2


By the way the second one is supposed to be a ballerina


And here’s a tip for keeping those pumpkins lit at night. Place your candle in a Mason Jar. It keeps the breezes away and keeps it from falling over. Gotta Love those Jars



Finished up my son’s costume. After much deliberation he finally made up his mind to be a spider.  Spider?? Hmmmm had to use a little creativity to whip this costume up.  I used a black turtleneck and cut the side seams. For the legs I used black tube socks stuffed with plastic bags and I found some cool metallic spider web fabric for the web. The hat is just a dollar beanie with googly eyes hot glued to it. He loves it and yes that is him crawling on the floor


Picnik collage3

linking up at

1 comment:

  1. so simple yet brillant! love it! thanks for linking up to Mom it monday!
